Weekly devlog #27 - mummy animation & upgrading bevy

Hey everyone, last week Anubis took over the devlog because I didn't have that much interesting stuff to share, so this weeks devlog will be about the things I did in the last two weeks.

Upgrade to bevy 0.15
Bevy is the game engine I am using for Crystal Realms, and recently they released a new version. This update included a few bug fixes that I was waiting for, so it was important for me to update the game. However updating it was not an easy task, the first time I tried to compile the game I got this many compiler errors:

As you can imagine it took a lot of time to fix these 700 errors. And then after I finally fixed those errors and ran the game, it looked like this:

The game was in such a broken state. Most of the ui was messed up, the background didn't render, sometimes text didn't render and all blocks didn't render. I couldn't even press "play online" to play the game! So fixing the compiler errors was only the beginning. Note that these errors are not bevy's fault, its mostly because the way I was doing some things just didn't work in bevy 0.15.

But after about 4 days I fixed all of these issues, and the game is in a playable state again. So this is what I was mostly doing in the week Anubis made the devlog.

Mummy animation
This weekend I spent some time animating the mummy that I showed in a previous devlog. I think the animation turned out really well:

The mummy will be a bit special, because it will give players a slowness effect. 

Ui improvements
The mobile version still had those placeholder controls that I made some time ago, so I made these new buttons that also fit the HD ui style better. The hotbar was also redesigned, I think this makes it easier to read which slot is selected. I still need to make the health bar HD though.

I think this is a HUGE improvement compared to how the mobile version used to look:

Thats it for this week's devlog! This week I am planning to spend time working on the new currency and marketplace, so keep an eye out for that!

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