Weekly devlog #4 - Wiki & Cauldron

This week I have mostly been focused on implementing some of the new game mechanics into the game.

The crystal realms wiki has improved a lot this week! This is thanks to a few community members like Kolmat, Heaven and Simvoid. Now it contains all of the clothing items and monsters. It is also organized way better.

Growing mushroom
Mushrooms now grow and spread to nearby dirt blocks, as long as there is a log nearby, and there aren't too many mushrooms in the nearby area. These mushrooms even continue growing when you leave the world. Though the glowshrooms work a bit differently. They will spread even if there are no logs nearby.

Glowing caves
Speaking about glowshrooms, they now generate in glowing caves. These are small parts of caves that can generate in regular worlds. These caves contain glowing mud, glowing vines, and glowshrooms. This is also where you will find the new infected frog enemies. These new glowing vines grow downwards, and are also an ingredient for some potions.

One of the biggest features I added this week is the cauldron. The cauldron is not just another crafting station, it has its own crafting mechanic. At first the cauldron looks similar to a chest, since you can put up to 3 items in it. But if you put the right 3 ingredients into the cauldron it will start brewing. This will take some time depending on the recipe, and once it is done it will turn purple. Then you can use an empty bottle on the cauldron to create a potion.

Witch pack
I am also planning to add a witch pack to the game. This will be an item pack you can buy from the store for 8,000 crystal shards (price might change). And it includes a cauldron, 4 potions and an exclusive witch set. The same one that was available during the Halloween update.

Dragon wings
The cauldron can also be used to make magical items that are not potions. Like these dragon wings. But the recipe for it you will have to find out yourself. Note that the design for the dragon wings might still change.

Next weeks
Next two weeks I will be participating in the ICPC world finals in Egypt. So I am not sure if there will be a devlog in the next two weeks.

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