Weekly devlog #19 - login v2

Hey everyone! It has been a while since I have posted a written devlog. And despite being sick for most of the week, I got a lot of things done.

Login v2
The old login system of crystal realms had some downsides:

  • Whenever you pressed "remember me", it would save your password as plain text on your computer. If someone then hacked your computer they could steal your password.
  • New users would see the login page before seeing the registration page, this was confusing some people.
  • You had to pass the login screen every time you wanted to play the game, even if your password was saved.
  • There was no way to reset your password.

All of these things have been fixed now in "login v2":

Now instead of saving your password as text on your computer, it saves a "login token" on your computer. Don't get me wrong, hackers can still use this token to login to your account. This is kinda an unsolvable problem, when a hacker has access to your computer, they can always log in to any service you don't have to re-enter your password for. But now they won't be able to use your password to log in to other services.

One thing I could theoretically do is let this token only work on a single IP address. And then every time you switch to a new IP address you would need to re-enter your password. But for that I wanna know what you guys think if that is worth it. Since this game will be played on mobile devices, you will likely switch your IP address a lot. Would you prefer less security for your account over having to re-enter your password every time you play at a new location?  I could of course turn this into an optional setting for people worried about their account.

New clothes
Because the player is being resized, I have to reanimate every single clothing item in the game. The good thing about doing something for the second time, is that you can learn from your previous mistakes. This time I created all necessary animations from the get-go, like jumping, falling and sitting on a chair.

Before this week I had only reanimated 4 clothing items. But now I am done with over half of them. These are the ones that are now done:

And these are the ones that still need to be reanimated:

So I am pretty sure I will be able to get them all done before the halloween update.

That's it for this week, thanks for reading!

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